Can you Practice Bikram While on Menstruation?

Juliet D'cruz

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Bikram is the creative style of hot yoga, both physically and emotionally demanding. Depending on the severity of your menstrual symptoms, doing this type of yoga during your period could be beneficial or harmful. Bikram yoga comprises 24 classic yoga positions and two breathing exercises. So before practicing Bikram while on menstruation, weigh the benefits and drawbacks.

Pros of Bikram During Menstruation

Bikram Choudhury, a yoga instructor, structured them in a particular order to be practiced in a room heated to roughly 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Bikram thinks that the posture sequence provides individuals with the most acceptable development into a stretch by first warming up the tendons, ligaments, and muscles that will be stretched. 

Bikram yoga does not feature inverted postures, which some teachers advise against during menstruation, and it is considered safe for menstrual women. Choudhury founded Bikram’s Yoga College of India to spread his yoga style and train teachers to assist him in his mission.

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Despite the lack of scientific evidence, the institution’s website claims that Bikram yoga relieves premenstrual syndrome symptoms and regulates the menstrual cycle due to its effect on the endocrine glands and reproductive system.

Bikram yoga can help with stress relief, and the warm room may help with menstruation cramps and body aches. When practicing any yoga while menstruating, inversions are generally brought up. 

However, there is no proof that inversions are detrimental while on your period, but some practitioners disagree. On the other hand, Bikram does not involve inversions, and hence it is irrelevant in terms of hot yoga. According to Bikram, this type of yoga is also helpful to the reproductive system and can help regulate your menstrual cycle.

Cons of Bikram During Menstruation

Being on your period can make your body more susceptible to temperature variations. The hot, humid environment in which Bikram yoga is practiced (usually 105 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity) may aggravate common menstruation symptoms such as headaches and nausea. Hormonal changes frequently cause balance problems during your period, and this discomfort can be exacerbated during a Bikram yoga session because of the combination of heat and movement. While many types of yoga are peaceful and contemplative, Bikram is a physically and psychologically demanding practice that can be a little aggressive when you are emotionally vulnerable during your period.

Take Safety Measures

Most Bikram courses prohibit using props, so let your teacher know ahead of time if you need to adjust specific postures to accommodate your body while on your period. While menstruating, your energy level may be low, so focus on alignment and breathing and don’t overdo it. Allow bad energy to cloud your Bikram practice in the form of menstrual moodiness and anger. Instead, make use of yoga’s refreshing and renewing properties.

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Heat and Luteal Phase

Menstruation begins the day after the menstrual cycle’s luteal phase concludes. In a 2012 study published in “Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,” researchers discovered that working out in a hot and humid atmosphere reduced women’s exercise performance during the luteal phase. Bikram yoga is typically practiced in rooms heated to about 105 degrees Fahrenheit. As the proximity of menstruation’s first day to the luteal stage, you may be unable to keep up with Bikram’s vigorous pace when your period begins.

Recommendations That Differ

B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the world’s famous yoga teachers, discourages women from practicing any form of yoga during menstruation in his book “Light on Yoga.” But he makes an exception if a woman feels excessive menstrual flow by listing several poses he says to improve the situation. What seems most noticeable is the lack of clear information, perhaps for lack of clinical studies, regarding the effects of yoga on menstruation.

A Personal Choice

Concerning Bikram’s claim that his yoga style benefits the reproductive system and is safe during menstruation, women must make their own decisions. The menstrual cycle causes women’s wide range of physical and emotional reactions. If Bikram yoga energizes you and relieves symptoms during your period, keep doing it. But, if the experience is dreadful, take it easy on those days. Your best strategy is to stay aware of your body’s responses and respect how it feels.

There are legitimate reasons to avoid and participate in Bikram when you are on your period. Because yoga is a fitness regimen that focuses on the inner you when you are menstruating, trust your instincts, slowing down and skipping yoga on your heaviest days may be wise compromises, don’t be afraid to try a Bikram session while on your period, and if you experience discomfort, don’t be scared to take a well-deserved break.

If you want expert advice on whether to do Bikram during menstruation or not, you should consult Gynecologists. If you want to contact one of the Best Gynecologists in Karachi, you can visit Marham; it is the best platform to consult the best doctors anytime, anywhere.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- When I’m menstruating, what yoga poses should I avoid?

Here are a few yoga poses to avoid while menstruating:

  • Salamba Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand
  • Salamba Sirsasana – Headstand.
  • Adho Mukha Vrksasana – Handstand.
  • Navasana – Boat pose.
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana – Full Wheel Pose

2- Is it safe to practice yoga while menstruating?

Many people may wonder if you can do yoga while on your period. Yes, yoga in your period can be beneficial, especially if you’re experiencing unpleasant symptoms.

3- Is it possible to the downward dog while menstruating?

Menstruation is unaffected by position — even in space, where there is no gravity. Some yoga teachers advise not to do any “inversions” — any place with hips over the body’s core — during periods to avoid disrupting the flow.